Vauxhall Community Church
Vauxhall Community Church


Our Church

What We Believe

The Mennonite Brethren consider themselves to be Anabaptist and Evangelical in faith and practice. Our roots are submerged in the soil of Zwingli’s early disciples and Menno Simon's later writings. As a result, we hope to be known as a people of the Book. We also embrace the following distinctives of the Anabaptists: community, justice and mercy ministries; love and non-resistance; and believer’s baptism. Our roots are also submerged in the revivals that swept through the Mennonite communities of Russia in the 19th century. During those revivals the Mennonites were reintroduced to the Gospel, the person and work of Jesus Christ. Today, we continue to cling to the following Evangelical Distinctives: The authority and sufficiency of Scripture, the centrality of the cross and the necessity of conversion. 



Who We Are

As the community of believers here at Vauxhall Community Church, our mission is to be: “Growing as disciples of Jesus, who are making disciples for Jesus.” Together in community, it is our desire to actively and prayerfully seek the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit. We are committed to living out our vision of “Sharing the love of Jesus by welcoming, building, equipping, and sending people to reach their world, all to the glory of God.”